Author Guidelines

  1. Articles are free from plagiarism.
  2. Articles are the result of quantitative, qualitative, or library research that has never been published online or in print.
  3. The theme of the article is authentic, has rationality, and answers the problems surrounding the latest language and literature.
  4. Research themes include studies;
  5. Arabic Education Arabic Language Teaching and Learning Arabic Language Teaching and Learning Strategy; Arabic Language Learning Media; Arabic Language Teaching and Learning Technology; Arabic Language Learning Material Development; Arabic Language Teaching and Learning Evaluation; Modern Standards of Arabic Language Teaching and Learning; Arabic Language Curriculum Design and Development for Teaching and Learning; Arabic Language and Translation for Teaching and Learning);
  6. Linguistics (Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Semantics, Psycholinguistics, Sociolinguistics, Anthropolinguistics, Philology, Stylistics, Philosophy of Language, Semiotics, Language Teaching, Lexicography, Translation, and Pragmatics), and 3). Arabic Literature (Classical Literature, Modern Literature, Oral Literature, Written Literature, Children's Literature, Comparative Literature, Literary Criticism, Literary Psychology, and Sociology of Literature).
    The whole writing of the article body consists of title, author, affiliation, email address, abstract, keywords, introduction, research methods, results and discussion, conclusion, and bibliography.
  7. The whole writing of the article body consists of about 3500-6000 words using Ms. Word; typeface Cambria, size 12, page setup; Margin: top 2.5, bottom 2.5, left 3, right 2.5, and Paper Size A4 with spaces adjusted to each sub-body of the article;
  8. If the writing is in Arabic, the typeface is KFGQPC Uthman Thaha (16) with single spacing for the entire writing in the article body;
  9. The citation model used is the American Physchological Association Manual of style 17th edition (full note) for citations in bodynotes and reference lists (required to use reference manager: Mendeley).