About the Journal

About the Journal

Journal Title

: Shaf: Jurnal Sejarah, Pemikiran dan Tasawuf


: ISSN 3025-5937

DOI Prefix

: Prefix 10.59548 by 

Editor in Chief

: Sayed Muhammad Ichsan


: Yayasan Haiah Nusratul Islam, Indonesia [AHU-0024817.AH.01.04.Tahun 2021]


: Twice a year (September and March)

Citation Analysis

: E-ISSN, Google Scholar, Journal Stories

Shaf: Jurnal Sejarah, Pemikiran dan Tasawuf focus on publishing articles that contain ideas, ideas, research results, and literature studies in the field History, Thoughts, and Sufism.

Our academic journal presents scholarly articles in the field of language education and Arabic Literature. These articles encompass various types of research outputs, such as scientific articles, original research reports, and education reviews.

The journal comprises of five distinct sections, each of which is dedicated to a specific type of article. Authors are required to submit their manuscripts in the section that aligns with the scope and nature of their work.

The article publication charge is IDR 300.000 for authors with Indonesian institution affiliations and for authors with international institution affiliations.

For the authors who are interested in publishing papers in our journal, please register an account here