About the Journal

Jurnal Ekonomi, Syariah dan Studi Islam

Journal Title

: Jurnal Ekonomi, Syariah dan Studi Islam


: E-ISSN 2986-2981

DOI Prefix

: Prefix 10.59548 by

Editor in Chief

: Sayed Muhammad Ichsan, S.Fil., M.Ag.


: Yayasan Haiah Nusratul Islam, Indonesia [AHU-0024817.AH.01.04.Tahun 2021]


: Twice a year (April and Oktober)


Economics (Islamic Economics and Business, Islamic public finance, Islamic finance, Islamic accounting, Islamic business ethics, Islamic banking, Islamic insurance, Islamic human resource management, Islamic microfinance, Islamic capital market, other relevant Islamic economic and financial studies)

Sharia (Islamic Law, Ahwal al-Syakhsiyah, i.e. munakahah, mawarits, wills, and waqf; Fiqh Ibadah, i.e. direct relationship with Allah in the form of rituals (Ibadah mahdhah); Mu'amalah, i.e. norms to meet the needs of goods and services in social life; Field of Fiqh Ilmiyah, i.e. the results of deduction and induction from the Qur'an and al-Hadis; Field of Fiqh Siyasah, i.e. norms to meet the needs of Islamic values and principles through political articulation; Fiqh Jinayah, norms governing jarimah and uqubah issues; Fiqh qadha', norms governing judicial issues; Fiqh Gender, norms to fulfil the need for equality in relations between men and women; Fiqh al-Thib/Health, norms to fulfil the need for individual and collective care and maintenance of health; Fiqh al-Faniyah/Art, norms to fulfil the need for creative and artistic expression; Fiqh Ecology/Environment: Norms relating to human relationships with the environment; Fiqh al-Ijtima'iyah/Social: Norms relating to the realisation of solidarity and social responsibility.
Islamic Studies (Qur'an and Hadith Studies; Islamic Philosophy; Islamic Thought and Literature; Islam and Peace; Science and Civilisation in Islam; Islam at the Local/National Level; and Islam and Gender; Traditional and Modern Kalam Science)

Our academic journal presents scholarly articles in the field of economic, sharia, and Islamic studies. These articles encompass various types of research outputs, such as scientific articles, original research reports, and education reviews.

The journal comprises of five distinct sections, each of which is dedicated to a specific type of article. Authors are required to submit their manuscripts in the section that aligns with the scope and nature of their work.

For the authors who are interested in publishing papers in our journal, please register an account here